Sunday, October 10, 2010


                                                     Every time you look at me                                                               

                                                     Who is it you expect to see  

                                                      Who is it you think I am ?

                                                       Or do you really even give a damn

                                                        Do you know me or care at all ?

                                                        Will you be there if  I  fall

                                                         Or tear my heart out and

                                                        Hang it on your bedroom wall

                                                         Can you feel me when I cry

                                                         Will you miss me when I die?

                                                          Or has everything been an awful lie

                                                          So  when they cover my grave with dirt

                                                          Will your soul feel loss or hurt or like

                                                             So many times before will you

                                                             Just walk through  the other's  door                                Source URL:
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